Baringo County Commissioner Denies Rumors of Ghost Schools in the Area

Stephen Kutwa, the Baringo County commissioner (CC), has strongly denied rumors of ghost schools in the area.

Kutwa referred to a recent report by a local media outlet. It stated that three schools in Barwesa Ward, Baringo North Sub County do not exist but still have sign posts and gates.

As stated in the story that was on television and printed in a local daily, Kaptiony Girls High, Kampi Nyasi and Kasaka Secondary Schools possess a board of management (BOM) members along with a school fees account. However, the report claimed these schools have no students or staff.

Additionally, Kaptiony was a polling center in Baringo North Constituency for the general elections of 2022.

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has addressed the claims, saying that the information was incorrect and deceptive.

In a Monday KNA interview at his Kabarnet office, Kutwa made it clear that the institutions mentioned are only proposed by community members, they are not yet functioning.

He questioned why a reputable media outlet would broadcast the story without verification from his office or the County Education Director, who could provide accurate on-site information..

“We possess a lot of sign posts for many suggested establishments in our county, but this doesn’t imply they are functioning. A few sign posts could have been erected by the community to safeguard allocated lands from grabbers,” Kutwa stated.

The County Commissioner disclosed that one of the schools mentioned is supposed to get Sh10 million Equalization Fund for this financial year. This might have attracted attention from leaders who are allegedly settling political scores.

The person in charge expressed that it was an unfortunate occurrence for such individuals to turn education matters into politics. He mentioned this while discussing a county dealing with many issues such as cattle theft and bandit activities.

Kutwa urged media outlets to not depict a bad image of the county, known for many positive aspects, by ensuring accuracy and responsible reporting in their reporting.

Simultaneously, the County Commissioner tasked the Media Council of Kenya (MCK) to train local journalists in responsible news reporting. This request was made with aim of fostering mutual working relationship among government, community and other actors involved in socioeconomic development.


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