Concerns Raised Over High Number of Girls Out of School in Garissa

The Forum for African Women Educationalists Kenya has decried the low enrollment and education rates of girls in Garissa County. With a few girls attending school despite measures put in place to offer an all-out access to education, the picture represents a gloomy moment in female education.

Current Situation

Low Enrollment Rates

According to FAWEK Coordinator for Garissa County, Harrison Ochola, by 2022 only 11 percent of girls were enrolled in learning institutions. Other shocking statistics indicate that only 20 percent of girls are educated. This is an alarming situation that calls for immediate support by both the government and non-governmental organizations in promoting girl child education.

Key Challenges

There are various challenges that cause low education levels among girls in Garissa:

  • Cultural Practices: These cultural practices, including early marriages and teenage pregnancies and FGM, are very common and limit the extent to which girls can be educated.
  • School Dropouts: Girls drop out of school because of many socio-economic pressures and seldom return, particularly if they get pregnant.

Initiatives to Address the Issue

Imarisha Msichana Project

Through collaboration between FAWEK and the MasterCard Foundation, the Imarisha Msichana project seeks to reduce the prevalence of teen pregnancy in Kenya. In creating this enabling environment for girl-child education, all major stakeholders have been included: school heads, teachers, patrons, and learners.


One of the great projects is the ‘TUSEME’ club. This is a platform where girls would be given a chance to raise their challenges with the view of finding a solution to them. The operational eight-school club offers support and creates an environment where girls can express themselves without fear.

Digital Skills and Re-enrollment Programs

FAWEK has donated computers to schools and trained the girls on digital literacy. Besides, it is re-enrolling those that drop out of school because of pregnancy or other reasons to ensure that they continue learning uninterrupted. The excercise is done in a multi-stakeholder approach with the Ministries of Health and Education, the Teachers Service Commission, and boys and men in changing attitudes on issues related to teen pregnancy.

Community Engagement and Support

Efforts include community sensitization forums aimed at educating parents, community leaders, and young men on human sexuality and pregnancy prevention. This package is mean’t to create a community environment supportive, valued, and one that promotes girls’ education.

Sisi Program

TUSEME club in Iftin Girls School has started a ‘Sisi Program’ that gives out sanitary pads and any other relevant materials to less privileged girls to help address some of the challenges that would have barred such them from regular school attendance.


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