Court Restrains NTV from Broadcasting Exposé After Rongo Success Academy Sues

In a major legal development, the High Court banned Nation Media Group from publishing or airing any other stories relating to Rongo Success Academy or its director, Eliud Ondeyo. The ruling is made after the academy, together with its director, had sued for defamation based on a broadcast aired on NTV on April 7, 2024.

Background of the Case

Rongo Success Academy, one of the renowned education institutions in Migori County claimed that the NTV broadcast had greatly defamed and damaged their standing and reputation in society. The school claimed the media aired a defamatory content that was against it and thus served them with a seven-day demand for an apology from the media house. After the school received no apology, a civil suit ensued against Nation Media Group.

Through their lawyer Danstan Omari, Rongo Success Academy and Eliud Ondeyo filed a suit in the Milimani Commercial Magistrate Court two weeks ago. They wanted an order to restrain the Nation Media Group from further broadcasting or publishing any information touching on them.

Court’s Decision

On Friday, Magistrate Eunice Mutie ruled in favor of the applicants, issuing a restraining order against Nation Media Group. The court’s directive is clear: “Pending the hearing and determination of the application, the defendant is restrained by themselves, their agents, their servants or anyone acting on their behalf from writing, producing, broadcasting and publishing and or republishing defamatory information on any medium and in any manner whatsoever about the applicant.”

Next Steps

The applicants have been given 14 days to file and serve their submissions, to which the defendants are required to respond within another 14 days. The court has scheduled a mention on July 3 to set a date for the ruling.


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