Government Deploys 2,000 TVET Trainers Nationwide to Boost Technical Education

The Government has started to send out 2,000 trainers to various Technical, Vocational Education and Training institutions (TVETs) to work in different locations within the country.

While speaking on Monday May 6 while marking 100 years of TVETS at Uasin Gishu County headquarters, North Rift TVETs Regional Director Mickel Rugut said that the recruitment of trainers should solve the issue caused by rising enrolment in TVETs.

He recognized President William Ruto as the initiator of a surge in increased enrolment through active campaigns when he held the position of the Minister for Education.

He said that the achievement we see in TVETS with many learners enrolling began long ago by our President as Minister for Education. Now, he being President himself and his department’s noticeable development has led to requirement of additional trainers and skill development assessors.

A public notice was given out by the Public Service Commission (PSC) in early March this year, advertising about 2000 job openings for vocational and technical trainers.

In the notice, the government declared its plan to recruit 1,313 degree/higher diploma and 687 diploma holders who will be distributed in 227 vocational and technical institutions all over the country.

The top allotment of trainers will go to Kakamega County with 101, followed by Nairobi (96), Bungoma (88), Meru (86) and Uasin Gishu 83.

The counties that will receive the fewest number of trainers are Mandera and Tana River, each getting 17 trainers, followed by Samburu and Marsabit with 16 trainers for each. Wajir will get 15 trainers while West Pokot gets only 9. Lamu and Isiolo both have just five coming their way.


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