Government Issues Guidelines for Construction of 9,000 Grade 9 Classrooms and Resource Centres

The government has shared guidelines that will inform the construction of 9,000 Grade 9 classrooms and integrated learning resource centres as part of the larger perspective to have 16,000 completed by 2025.

A memo written to all regional county and sub-county directors of education and signed by Basic Education Principal Secretary Dr. Belio Kipsang reveals that the Ministry, through findings from the Kenya Primary Education Equity in Learning program funded by the World Bank, will have the programme begin as soon as contracts are signed.

Kipsang explained that the construction of classrooms was going to be conducted based on the need as presented by 2021 School Infrastructure Investment Plan and set standards required for classroom construction.

He told the gathering that among many other guidelines, for effectiveness and transparency purposes, the projects have to be handled in such a manner that the beneficiary schools will have to abide by some rules and regulations. Some of the rules include having school heads open and operate specific accounts bearing signatures of among others, the chairpersons of the Board of Management (BoM) and Junior School Committee and Parents Association, all plus the signature of the school head, which is compulsory.

Each school design and Bill of Quantities (BQs) shall be as provided by the Ministry of Education. The quality of materials to be used shall be based on specifications as indicated by provided BQs.

School heads are supposed to ensure that the financial/ accounting documents and summary of transactions for funds received and expenditures relating to the project are well supported. Such shall include payment vouchers, invoices, cash sale vouchers, Summary of Receipts and Use of funds, bank statements, and minutes of board and SIC meetings.

The heads of institution must comply with the public Procurement and Assets Disposal Act 2015 and execute works as provided for under Section 91. (1)& (2) and Section 92.

Similarly, environmental and social safeguards management shall be designed by head teachers appropriately to aid in management of risks, improve the project’s environmental and social performance through risk and outcome–based approaches. These aspects include child protection, safety of learners, and efficient waste management.

The management shall ensure the access to classrooms is free for persons with disability.

He directed that the order of coordination and implementation of the projects will start from the school level sub-county level SCDEs, county level that is CDEs, regional level RDEs, and finally the national level MoE Headquarters.

The memo reads in part: “The SCDEs will be expected, on a regular basis, to report the progress of construction status to the CDEs, who will in turn escalate an analyzed report to the RDE. The office of the D j E will have technical officers attached to every region to co-ordinate and compile the reports from the Regional Directors every fortnight which shall be used to brief the senior Management Team”.

Earlier this month, Belio while addressing the Rift Valley Regional Commissioner’s plenary hall in Nakuru, said the government was looking to construct 16,000 classrooms across the country in readiness for the transition of learners to Grade 9 next year.

He revealed that the World Bank will also contribute Ksh9 billion for the construction of 9,000 classrooms, with more classes being put under the NGCDF.

The 2025 Grade 9 class is the pioneer Junior Secondary School cadre under the Competency Based Curriculum, housed in the country’s primary schools.


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