Importance of Student Unions in Kenya and How They Shape Future Leaders

In Kenya’s higher learning institutions setup, student unions go a long way in providing the experiences and preparatory role in polishing and forging future careers. The unions are not just places for voicing student concerns but in the real sense, act as an incubation centers for leadership, governance, and personal growth. The kind of journey that the likes of Babu Owino took, a former student leader who later transitioned into effective political life, underscores the profound impact student unions have in shaping future leaders.

The Role of Student Unions in Kenyan Higher Education

Student unions in Kenyan colleges and universities work as the representatives and the collective voice of the student body, which might even extend far beyond advocating for areas touching students’ concerns and rights to even national matters. They work as a link between the administration and students so that the concerns of the students are well attended by both sides. In addition to advocacy, student unions run events, support academic and extracurricular activities, and foster a sense of community within the campus.

Student Union Leadership Positions

Leadership positions in a student union usually start from top to median levels. Student unions generally have a wide range of leadership positions, each carrying different roles and responsibilities. Some of these key positions are:

  1. Chairperson/President: The overall representative of the student body, he provides overall leadership and decision-making.
  2. Vice Chairperson/Vice President: Deputizes the chairperson, and on most instances is in charge of some portfolios, such as the academics or welfare.
  3. Secretary General: In charge of communication and documentation in the union.
  4. Treasurer: In charge of finance. Budget and funds adminstration
  5. Academic Affairs Representative: Deals with academic matters including in liaison with the academic administration
  6. Welfare Officer: Incharge of all welfare of the students, i.e., accommodation, health, and security
  7. Sports and Entertainment Officer: Organizes sports and entreat events, in charge of espousing a vigorous social life on campus

Election of Student Leaders in Kenyan Universities

Electoral process of student leaders may vary from one university to the other, but essentially, it is guided on the principles of democracy. Here is a sneak peek at how some of the universities do theirs.

  1. University of Nairobi: Holds its election through an electronic voting system where students cast votes for their candidates of their choice. Intense campaigns are usually the order of the day where candidates are expected to develop manifestos eigen to their candidacy.
  2. Kenyatta University: Just like the University of Nairobi, Kenyatta University is also through electronic voting. The candidates in this university spearhead their campaigns around the campus and interact with the students to win their own vote.
  3. Moi University: The mode of conducting elections may either be manual or electronic. However, the institution is controlled with very tight rules that govern fairness and credibility throughout the campaign period. Candidates vying for the position are first pegged and are cleared before contesting the post.
  4. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology: The institution employs a mixed system of manual and electronic voting. Campaigns include manifesto presentations and debates.

The Rewards of Student Leadership: The Case of Babu Owino

The case of Babu Owino, who moved from student leadership to national politics, is a perfect example of how resourceful student union involvement could be. Being the Chairman of the Student Organization of Nairobi University, Babu Owino had a very good experience of building leadership skills and a solid network while at the institution, which has been very instrumental in governance and public speaking. During his time at SONU, he showed very strong advocacy for student rights and influenced many policies within the university.

From university leadership to national politics, Babu Owino leveraged this experience and the networks he created to win the parliamentary seat for Embakasi East. His story is evidence of how student union leadership can provide the necessary stepping stone for launching a successful career in business, politics, or civil society.

Benefits of Leadership Engendered from Student Union Involvement

There are many advantages to participation in student union leadership positions that go beyond the college years. Personal development and preparation for professional life can be best accelerated in a student union.

  1. Leadership Development Participation in student union activities will make the participants practically grab some great chances to develop and hone their leadership skills. The leaders will learn to make decisions, manage teams, and handle responsibilities, hence preparing them for a leadership role in a career field.
  2. Improved Interpersonal Skills Student leaders get involved in public speaking, negotiation, and resolution of conflicts. Out of such forums, the student gains communication skills that later become very useful to them in their workplaces.
  3. Networks From the leadership of student unions, there is a very extensive network with other students, faculty, alumni, and even outsider stakeholders. Tapping on such kind of network can be vital to the student in getting employed in such kinds of employment or doing business in such networking circles.
  4. Governance and Administrative Experience The running of a student union emulates the activities that occur in the real world in terms of governance and administration. Leaders are equipped with an understanding of budgeting, policy making, and strategic planning, which is quite transferable to the corporate and public sectors.
  5. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Dealing with problems of students and projects for the union, one is called upon to weigh the problems off by finding creative solutions analytically and coming up with practical solutions hence enhancing one’s critical thinking.
  6. Better Time Management Balancing academics with the responsibilities of union leadership teaches leaders time management skills. This is an invaluable skill in careers across the board, because one is often required and expected to balance their work life, family life, Sabbath time, and, in some cases, study groups all at once.
  7. Higher Levels of Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem Leading peers and successfully managing projects are two of the greatest builders of self-confidence and self-esteem that one could ask for. Leaders become braver, stronger, and more capable of taking on the world before them—both professionally and personally.
  8. Getting to Appreciate Differences This helps to bring leaders in contact with a diverse set of students and stakeholders, increasing their knowledge of different cultures and viewpoints. In this manner, it instills in them the qualities of inclusion and adaptability, considered to be very important in the present global scenario.
  9. Leaving a Legacy, Making a Difference Leaders have the opportunity to create actual changes and make a difference within their institutions; hence, it implies leaving a worthwhile legacy. The degree of satisfaction one gets from this sense of achievement of making a difference in the community becomes a source of motivation.
  10. Career Progression and Opportunities It is conclusively true that the skills and experiences from student union leadership are hardly disputed by any employer. Many have ended up being engaging in much more influential positions in society, such as Babu Owino, thus citing the real advantage for students’ unions as building a student leader.

Challenges Facing Student Unions in Kenya

Though student unions remain an essential representative organ and an advocate of the student body’s welfare, they come with a myriad of challenges. Such challenges could compromise their effectiveness and indispensability, hence the need for adopting innovative approaches and persistence in tackling them. The following are some of the identified challenges student unions in both colleges and universities in Kenya face or have faced for long.

  1. Inadequate Provision of Funds Inadequate provision of funds is one of the greatest challenges. Most students’ unions operate on very low budgets which limit the events held, programs implemented, and services offered to students. Such a limitation can lead to over-reliance on the university administration, hence a loss of autonomy.
  2. Administrative Interference University administrations sometimes interfere in the activities and operations of student unions, undermining their independence. This interference can take the form of influencing elections, limiting the union’s ability to criticize university policies, or imposing restrictions on union activities.
  3. Political Manipulation External political elements sometimes even succeed in capturing the student union to turn their agenda to their advantage in the larger political framework. Such a situation could further lead to factionalism in the union, thus deflecting their energy and interest from student issues, leading to a trust deficit amongst the student community.
  4. Internal Conflicts and Power Struggle Leadership in the student union can be the cause of disputes among the establishment due to rivalry and struggle for the top leadership position. Internal wrangles within a union have shown to have the effect of reducing and dividing the role of the unions, hence making them perform uneffectively.
  5. Lack of Engagement and Participation A general challenge is student apathy within the student body. The union cannot fight on their behalf without active engagement and participation by the students. It is difficult for students to be involved and to remain enthused about union activities.
  6. Balancing Academics and Union Responsibilities Balancing of academic duties and union responsibilities become a challenge for the student leaders most of the time. Leadership demands thus end up eating much of their performance, leading to stressful and straining moments, thus burning out.
  7. Lack of Proper Training and Leadership Development Many student union leaders have never had leadership and governance training. Lack in this area appears through poor management, making bad decisions, and having no strategic vision for the union. A need hereby arises to offer opportunities for the development of leadership skills for competent and capable student leaders.
  8. Resistance to Change Resistance to change can come from the student body or even from within the union itself. It could be quite hostile to new initiatives or reforms, which would slow down efforts toward betterment of effectiveness and impact.
  9. Legal and Regulatory Challenges There are difficulties associated with complying with the legal and regulatory framework that governs student unions. This entails huge regulation at the university, national, and organizational levels by laws, which demands great understanding and cautious management to avoid legal issues.
  10. Public Perception and Reputation A scandal, one of inefficiency or bungling, or one of being otherwise less worthwhile, can easily soil a student union. The element of creating and maintenance of proper flow of public perception is key to ensuring that the student body has trust and support towards the student union.


Student unions in Kenyan colleges and universities are very vital in raising leaders for tomorrow. This provides a platform for acquisition of leadership skills, governance, and advocacy of their rights. Structured election processes ensure the student leaders are democratically elected to hence serve the student body, which they represent. The success story of Babu Owino shows the potential rewards of student leadership and in a way proves that the skills acquired and experiences gained may just be an open door to a very influential career. The role of student unions, therefore, cannot be understated, as they continue to mould the leaders of tomorrow.


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