Kabarnet High School Disqualified from KSSSA Games for Fielding Ineligible Players

It was a surprise when the Kabarnet High School was ejected from the KSSSA games and is facing a possible two-year ban for having players not eligible to play in their team.

It follows an application by St Joseph’s Kitale and Laiser Hill Schools, which filed that Kabarnet High School included strangers in their team. An investigation made it clear that four of the first-team players were not students of Kabarnet High School. Among them were two alumni, one working as a teacher from the Board of Management, and one unknown. None of the four could provide birth certificates or other required documents to substantiate their eligibility.

The team manager of Kabarnet High School has been banned for four years and the school banned from participation in KSSSA games until the 2027 term two games. Arnesens High School takes the place of Kabarnet Boys in the quarterfinals.

In addition, Moi High School Kabartonjo has been declared the champions of Baringo County. The announcement, however, has come a little too late to affect the ongoing games. KSSSA shall issue an apology letter on the matter to Moi High School Kabartonjo.


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