Kabete National Polytechnic Tops TVET Rankings in Kenya: A Comprehensive Analysis

While everyone wants to be enrolled in universities, not so much is said about TVET institutions here in Kenya. In the recent higher education applications managed by KUCCPS, there’s quite a number of students who are now opting for TVET centers instead of the University programs, apparently, there are employers who prefer TVET graduates compared to university graduates.

The latest research by Timely Kenya reveals Kabete National Polytechnic as the leading Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institution among 2567 competitors in the country. Conducted between May 7 and May 21, the survey sampled 3025 respondents, with a sampling bias of 1.1%.

Quick Summary

  • Top TVET Institutions: Kabete National Polytechnic emerged as the best, followed by Sigalagala, Meru, Eldoret, and Kenya Coast National Polytechnics.
  • Popular Courses: Key courses include Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Business, Hospitality and Tourism, Beauty and Fashion, ICT, and various trades like Carpentry and Welding.
  • Regional Preferences: Rankings varied across regions with distinct top institutions in Nairobi, Central Kenya, Mount Kenya East, Lower Eastern, Upper Eastern, Coast, North Rift, South Rift, Nyanza, South Nyanza, Western, and Northeastern regions.

Overview of Top TVET Institutions

Kabete National Polytechnic led the rankings based on preferences from respondents across the nation. It was closely followed by other notable polytechnics:

  1. Sigalagala National Polytechnic
  2. Meru National Polytechnic
  3. Eldoret National Polytechnic
  4. Kenya Coast National Polytechnic

These institutions were highly favored due to their robust course offerings and quality of education.

Students showed a marked preference for the following courses:

  • Engineering Fields: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering still rank high, indicating a persistent need for technical abilities within the job marketplace.
  • Business Courses: Business-related disciplines continue to attract students, indicative of entrepreneurial aspirations.
  • Hospitality and Tourism: The rapid expansion of this industry has led to a rise in demand for courses related to hospitality and tourism.
  • Beauty and Fashion Design: Courses in hairdressing, beauty and fashion design also gain popularity because of the growing beauty business.
  • ICT: Information and Communication Technology, these courses are very popular as they match the current digital transformation focus.
  • Trades: Hands-on classes such as woodwork, bricklaying, welding and plumbing are very important for the betterment of community and construction works.

Regional Breakdown of Top TVET Institutions

Nairobi Region

  1. Nairobi TTI
  2. PC Kinyanjui TTI
  3. Karen TTI for Deaf
  4. Kips Technical College
  5. Kasarani Technical Vocational College

Central Kenya

  1. Kabete National Polytechnic
  2. Nyeri National Polytechnic
  3. Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology
  4. Mukurweini TTI
  5. Michuki TTI

Mount Kenya East

  1. Karumo TTI
  2. Runyenyes Technical and Vocational College
  3. Meru National Polytechnic
  4. Chuka Technical and Vocational College
  5. Kiirua TTI

Lower Eastern

  1. Katini TTI
  2. Machakos TTI for Blind
  3. Wote TTI
  4. Ikutha Technical and Vocational College
  5. Mwala Technical and Vocational College

Upper Eastern

  1. Laisamis Technical and Vocational College
  2. Samburu Technical and Vocational College
  3. Merti Technical and Vocational College
  4. North Horr Technical and Vocational College

Coast Region

  1. Coast Institute of Technology
  2. Kenya Coast National Polytechnic
  3. Kinango TTI
  4. Godoma TTI
  5. Likoni Technical and Vocational College

North Rift

  1. Rift Valley TTI
  2. Aldai TTI
  3. Moiben Technical and Vocational College
  4. Kitelakapel TTI
  5. Kerio Valley Technical and Vocational College

South Rift

  1. Bureti
  2. Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology
  3. Masai TTI
  4. Emurua Dikirr TTI
  5. Kericho Technical and Vocational College


  1. Kisumu National Polytechnic
  2. Bondo TTI
  3. Siaya Institute of Technology
  4. Ugunja Technical and Vocational College
  5. Nyakach Technical and Vocational College

South Nyanza

  1. Sikri Technical Training Institute for the Deaf and Blind
  2. Kisii National Polytechnic
  3. Siala TTI
  4. Mabera Technical and Vocational College
  5. Keroka TTI

Western Region

  1. Sigalagala
  2. Matili
  3. Friends College Kaimosi
  4. Kitale National Polytechnic
  5. Bumbe TTI

North Eastern Region

  1. Northeastern National Polytechnic
  2. Mandera TTI
  3. Ijara Technical and Vocational College
  4. Wajir South Technical and Vocational College
  5. Garissa Vocational and Training Centre

Top Growing TVET Institutions

Timely Kenya also identified the top five growing TVET institutions:

  1. Godoma TTI
  2. Mathira TTI
  3. Mitunguu TTI
  4. Sot TTI
  5. Garissa Vocational and Training Centre

Final Thoughts

As we all are aware, tertiary institutions here in Kenya excel in not all programs but some of them, the comprehensive survey gives us an inner view of the varied preferences and strengths of TVET institutions across Kenya. Kabete National Polytechnic’s top ranking is particularly important since students mostly look for places that guarantee them quality technical education that contains tailored courses that are on demand in the local industry.


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