Kenyan Teachers Surprised by Sh13 Billion Pay Rise Amid Tensions Between Kuppet and TSC

Teachers in Kenya got a surprise Sh13 billion salary increase on Thursday, especially those members of the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers, Kuppet that led to a nationwide strike. The union was shocked by the Teachers Service Commission’s move not to deduct union dues from members’ salaries. Many view this as a ploy to weaken the influence of the union, just like in 2019 when it happened to the Kenya National Union of Teachers.

The union headed by Secretary-General Akello Misori, tried to initiate a discussion between Kuppet and the TSC on calling off the strike conditions to prevent further conflict. However, TSC rebuffed the application on the basis that the union should call off the strike in line with a court order dated August 27, 2024. TSC said it had fully implemented the final phase of the 2021-2025 CBA and also addressed all the grievances raised by Kuppet.

Even then, Misori insisted that the strike would not be called off until a return-to-work formula was agreed upon. He expressed apprehension that TSC might withhold union dues, a critical source of financing for Kuppet. Misori threatened that if they were withheld, teachers would have to decide how to support their union so that it continued to be effective.

Kuppet now plans to appeal against the court order and TSC’s action in court, where the case is scheduled for hearing on September 5. Observers say that, by putting a limit on Kuppet’s finances, TSC aims at weakening the capacity of the union to sustain the strike and negotiate effectively. This is the same tactic used against Knut, and which led to the internal fights and the ouster of top officials.


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