Kirinyaga Principals Meet to Address School Unrests

Over 170 principals of secondary schools in Kirinyaga Converged at Kerugoya Boys High School to discuss increased cases of school unrests that have disrupted normal learning activities. The conferment is being led by Central Regional Director of Education Sabina Aroni. Also present is the Kirinyaga County security team led by County Commissioner Hussein Allasow and county education officials.

The meeting was conviened urgently following the indefinite closure of Kerugoya Boys and Karia Boys following dormitory fires. These incidents conclusively disrupted learning activities, prompting a need for immediate and effective solutions.

Sabina Aroni said that most school unrests occur in the second term of the academic year. Although some strikes are spontaneous, others have warning signs that principals should detect early. She called on head teachers to be vigilant, present, and response-able to the needs of the learners, while insisting on a need for diplomatic engagement and roping in teachers in supporting the students.

Aroni indicated that, though nobody is directly blamed for any chaos, it has been evident in most cases the involvement of teachers. She further advised the principals to let the students be entertained as well address them using their language. Lastly Aroni emphasized on the subordinate staff as very important people in containing possible unrests.

In his speech, County Commissioner Hussein Allasow reminded the audience of the fact that principals are chief officers responsible for schools. According to him, a good number of problems in these institutions range from indiscipline among students and, therefore, called for principals to know the character of their students to deal with the issue. Principals might be away whenever such incidents happen, he complained. He cited support from the security team on the ground, which requires assistance from the principals in detecting and forestalling the strikes.


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