KSSSA National Term Two Championships Venues in Nyanza Region

Nyanza Region is going to host the National Term Two Secondary Schools Championship in Kisii County.

Venue Arrangements

As per the inspection report certified by Geoffrey Nyantika, Secretary of the Kisii County Secondary Schools Sports Association. Gusii Stadium, Kisii School pitch 1, and Cardinal Otunga High School pitch 2 will host soccer teams. Kisii School fields shall host events for girls in volleyball, netball, handball, rugby sevens, badminton, and table tennis, while Cardinal Otunga Mosocho High School will host the boys’ volleyball and lawn tennis.

Key Dates and Events

Nyantika announced a referees’ clinic slated for August 1 at Kisii School. Teams will arrive on August 2, with a rest day on August 3. This rest day might include tree-planting for the bonding of the teams.

There will be the opening and closing ceremonies fronted by Kisii County Governor Simba Arati and several other high-ranking officials that will happen at Gusii Stadium.

Accommodation and Safety

The safe passage of all traveling teams from any part of the country was assured by officials. The girls’ teams would be hosted at Nyabururu Girls High School, while boys’ teams would be hosted at Kisii School. We welcome all our visitors to Kisii County, the land of Matoke,” said Fred Mogaka, Chairman of the Kisii County Secondary Schools Sports Association and Principal of Kisii School.

Teams Representing Nyanza Region

The teams representing the region at the nationals include:

  • Boys’ Football: Koderobara
  • Girls’ Football: St. Alfred’s Alara, Nyakach Girls
  • Volleyball: Nyakongo Girls, Nyakongo Boys
  • Netball: Oyugi Ogango
  • Boys’ Rugby 7s: St. Mary’s Yala, Friends School Anjego, Kisii School, Otieno Oyoo
  • Girls’ Rugby 7s: Nyakach Girls, Nyagechenche Mixed, Sidindi, Nyakongo Girls


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