KUPPET Meets TSC to Discuss Promotions of Over 50,000 C4 and C5 Teachers

Kenyans teachers might just have something to smile about after the employing body met with their representatives to discuss matters promotion. The meeting was attended by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) along with the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers commonly refered to as (KUPPET) to discuss about promotion of about 30,000 teachers who have been in the same job group for over ten years. It includes C4 and C5 educators that have been working for over ten years.

KUPPET has on several occassions expressed its dissatisfaction with the current status, where over 50,000 teachers across various job groups have not been promoted, especially the C4 and C5. They’ve been in the same position and job group for a good chunk of their career life.

Proposal for Increased Promotions and Funding

During a meeting held in Naivasha in April 2024, KUPPET submitted a petition to the government. The petition requests Sh1 billion in funding for the TSC to facilitate immediate promotions for 30,000 out of the 50,000 teachers who have been stagnant in their job groups for an extended period.

KUPPET’s Proposed Promotion Structure

KUPPET Secretary-General Akelo Misori stated that the focus of the promotion plan would be C4 and C5 teachers. Under this proposal, these teachers would be promoted to C5 and D1 respectively. This would create opportunities for advancement for long-serving educators currently restricted to Grade C3.

According to KUPPET, nearly 7,400 C4 teachers have been in the same grade for three years and did not get promotions during the previous promotions period that happened in the 2023/2024 round.

Teachers are now looking forward to the implementation of a plan jointly developed by the TSC and KUPPET. This plan aims to address promotion concerns while also improving salaries for C4 and C5 teachers.



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