KUPPET Urges TSC to Reinstate Burial Benevolent Fund Deductions

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers has demanded that the Teacher’s Service Commission resume deducting Burial Benevolent Funds from its members, which it recently suspended. The union in a letter dated May 30, 2024, signed by KUPPET Secretary-General Akello Misori protested the decision, appealing to TSC Chief Executive Officer Dr. Nancy Macharia to restore it.

Background of the BBF Deductions

It has been an essential financial support mechanism ensuring dignified burials for departed teachers, hence so important to KUPPET members. The TSC suspended the deductions due to a petition by five union branch officials questioning the legality of the BBF deductions, forcing the commission to suspend the process awaiting further directions.

KUPPET’s Position

It was in view of this concern that, in the memo, Misori urged the commission to continue with the BBF deductions until the union gives appropriate direction. Misori said KUPPET is in the process of calling a Special Delegates Conference to discuss the matter conclusively.

The union has noted with concern your intention to stop BBF deductions for KUPPET members. We strongly urge you to rescind the decision on the BBF deductions until properly guided by us in the manner set out in our relations,” said Misori.

He also referred to the resolutions arrived at during 2021 Annual Delegates Conference purporting that the resolutions are still valid and should therefore guide the present case.

TSC’s Response

On 21st May, TSC sent out a communication regarding the suspension of the BBF deductions pending the challenge in court. The petition filed by union branch officials led to the probe of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission questioning the legality of the deductions.

TSC said in the letter: “In view of the wish by the union through the said officials, the Commission will stop forthwith all deductions of KUPPET BBF made pursuant to your letter referenced above”.


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