Machakos MP Empowers Grassroots with Digital Literacy Through Her Resource Centre

Machakos Woman Representative Joyce Kamene has launched a computer training school and resource center in Kwa Mwaura Ward, Matungulu sub-county. The Kwa Mwaura Digital Resource Centre was launched earlier this year and aims to provide residents with access to training opportunities in computing at an affordable rate that they may not have access to due to financial constraints.

The incomparable initiative has already received a remarkable response wherein 130 learners came out holding the program’s certificates in Computer Packages at the end of a two-month rigorous training. Program graduates included those with ages ranging from 17 to 55 years, showcasing the imperative of digital literacy across age groups.

“I have opened the door for each and every resident in the Ward,” Kamene noted. She explained that there was a need to empower people in rural areas with computer education, not only to empower themselves but also their children.

The efforts put in by Kamene underscore the broader vision of digital inclusion. The member of parliament also noted that lacking computer knowledge in this day and age, can greatly hinder opportunities for people. With the establishment of this resource center, Kamene was actually working to make sure nobody in her constituency gets left behind in the wake of current digitization.

Additionally, she encouraged women and the youth to organize themselves into self-help groups. She explained that such groups can start viable businesses which might then increase earnings within that particular community therefore creating jobs. Her appeal for the formation of self-help groups was inline with the rural setting where most initiatives help transform the local economy. While addressing the youth, Kamene urged Form Four leavers who did not qualify for university to consider technical colleges instead.


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