Matuu MCA Urges Immediate Opening of the Matuu KMTC

Theres always some good riddance of having a higher learning institution in your area and this is exactly what people from matuu have been hoping for. This is after the area member of the county assembly intensified calls of having the currently under construction Kenya Medical Training College facility be fast-tracked so that completion can happen soonest.  

Context and Background

According to Matuu area ward member of county assembly (MCA) Judas Mbili Ndawa, the Matuu Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) needed to be opened immediately so that it can then start being utilized by Kenya’s medical colleges. He stated that despite the completion of the facility several years ago, it had remained unused, much to the frustration of the local community as well as leaders.

The Unfulfilled Promise of Matuu KMTC

During a series of meetings held in Matuu Ward, Ndawa expressed his disappointment regarding the prolonged inactivity of the KMTC. The initial proposal, for this initiative came from Ndawa and community leaders with hopes that it would be an investment in healthcare education and services. The KMTC was envisioned as a beacon for aspiring professionals in the area aiming to improve healthcare quality and offer training.

Negative Impact of Delay

The delayed opening has resulted in negative effects to the whole project. Ndawa pointed out that the building has been subject to vandalism and neglect leading to deterioration of parts. This does not signify a loss but also represents a missed opportunity for the community.

Call to Action by MCA Ndawa

In his address to constituents, Ndawa expressed his sorrow over the state of the institution stating how disheartening it was to witness the facility decaying instead of fulfilling its intended purpose. He stressed the advantages that the college could bring by supporting local businesses through attracting students from different regions.

Accountability of Current Leadership

Ndawa squarely placed responsibility for activating the college, on Yatta Member of Parliament (MP) Robert Basils shoulders. He urged MP Basil to accelerate the allocation of funds and resources for making the institution operational.

Ndawa highlighted that past members of parliament had managed to secure funding and finish construction projects suggesting that Basil also has the potential to achieve results.


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