Taskforce Recommends Establishing Baringo University College of Technology

A report by a taskforce appointed by the Baringo County Governor in October 2022 has recommended the establishment of Baringo University College of Technology at the current Baringo Teachers’ College. Chaired by Prof Chebutuk Rotich, it assessed several institutions, including Kenya School of Government, Kabarnet, Chemeron Dryland Research Training & Ecotourism Center, Moi Baringo Teachers Training College, and Mogotio Vocational Training Institute, before settling on Baringo Teachers College.

The Baringo Teachers College Report traces its roots back to 1991 as a public primary teachers’ college before it later diversified into providing Diploma courses in Primary Teacher Education and Early Childhood Teacher Education. The institution is based on a 57.9-acre underutilized campus in Seretunin, Baringo.

“Baringo University College of Technology is proposed to be hosted at the Baringo Teachers’ College, Seretunin, which is located on a 57.9-acre campus in Baringo—Kenya”, the report reads.

The taskforce recommended the name “Baringo University College of Technology” for the new institution, with Moi University proposed as the mentoring institution. The establishment of BUCT is in line with the Universities Act 42 of 2012, which prioritizes the creation of universities in counties without higher education institutions.

The proposed governance structure of BUCT shall have a Governing Council, a Senate from the mentoring institution, College Academic Board, Standing Committees of College Academic Boards, and a College Management Board.

“The proposed university college shall be governed by a Governing Council, Senate from the mentoring Institution, College Academic Board, Standing Committees of College Academic Boards and a College Management Board,” the report states.

The taskforce has underscored that the establishment of BUCT is a beckon call for meeting the existing educational needs in the region. Further, it was recommended that Moi University continues in its role as the mentoring university to extend support, mentorship, guidance, and expertise necessary for the successful establishment and functioning of BUCT. Further, the taskforce challenged BUCT to pursue industry linkages, linkages with local research institutions, and other universities for the growth of its research and innovation activities.


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