Teachers’ Unions Set to Strike on August 26 Over Unmet Demands

There is an impending joint strike by teachers affiliated with KUPPET according to the national chairman, Omboko Milemba, and the Kenya National Union of Teachers, that is if the government does not attend to their demands, the strike starts on 26 August.

In an interview with a local media platform, Milemba said teachers had been patient with the TSC in implementing the second phase of the 2021-2025 CBA in totality. “We are aware there is a joint strike notice from KNUT and KUPPET for the 26th of August this year. This means that schools will not open because teachers will down their tools,” Milemba emphasized.

The same follows by the recent passing of the Appropriation Bill that saw budget cuts on several state departments among them those of teachers.

The announcement has since been made shortly after Labour Cabinet Secretary Alfred Mutua held discussions with KNUT officials that included Secretary General Collins Oyuu and National Chairperson Patrick Munuhe in efforts to prevent the strike as schools prepare to reopen for the third term.

Among some of the demands include negotiation of a new cba that will cater for post-graduate allowances, per diems for games teachers and risk allowances for science teachers. Besides, the unions demanded special duty and acting allowances for teachers not appointed substantively, promotion of over 130,000 teachers, confirmation of 46,000 JSS intern teachers in permanent and pensionable terms of service, and retention of 20,000 more teachers to curb the staffing deficiency in junior schools.

Education activities in the region could come to a standstill if the teachers’ grievances are not met and the strike is on August 26.


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