TSC Enforces Professional Ethics Compliance on Secretariat Staff

The Teachers Service Commission is enforcing the implementation of the Public Service Values and Principles Act, 2015, with regard to the need for high professional ethics amongst members of staff in its Secretariat.

An internal memo dated 15th July 2024 and signed by the Acting-Director of Human Resource Management and Development, Evelyn Mitei, is asking the directors to update their status in professional bodies before the end of this month. The memo reads: “Kindly confirm your staff compliance with professional requirements and status of their ‘Certificate of Good Standing’ from their relevant professional bodies and update this office on the same.”

A memo, addressed to all directors, heads of specialized units, regional, county and sub-county directors specified that information needed was TSC numbers, designations, professional bodies and the status of their certificates.

The Public Service Act demands that all public officers maintain high standards of professional ethics. It states, “Every public officer shall maintain high standards of professional ethics.” It also provides for public institutions or any authorized officers to require professional associations to inform them in case a public service professional is found guilty of misconduct. “Where necessary, a public service, public institution or an authorized officer may require a professional association to inform the public service, public institution or an authorized officer whether or not a professional in the public service has committed an act of professional misconduct.”

These demands are mean’t to ensure that TSC upholds and observes the highest standards in terms of professional and ethical conduct among its employees.


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