TSC Implements Interim Changes Amid County Directors’ Retirement

The Teachers Service Commission is currently undergoing succession as many county directors retire. The latest reports indicate interim replacements to avert a leadership vacuum in various counties.

Notably, the retirees include James Okong’o, who was serving as the Wajir County Director, and Francis Rotino Lotam of West Pokot. In Wajir, Ali Yusuff Ahmed, who was Okong’o’s deputy, takes over as the interim director. Ahmed boasts of a fine record, having served as deputy director and subcounty director for Wajir Central.

Joseph Musyoka takes the place of Lotam as his temporary replacement in West Pokot. Coming from a recent transfer from Bungoma County, the officer served as the SCD Kimaeti Sub-county and took up the position of acting county director. What had triggered his posting was the move of Jayne Nyakoe to the same Bungoma County and her appointment as DD.

This has been confirmed by sources at the TSC headquarters, where it is said that these are temporary appointments to see a smooth transition. “Those picked to serve on temporary basis may still be considered for permanent positions, provided they meet the qualifications,” said a senior officer.

In Preparation for more retirements, TSC conducted interviews to fill about 13 county director positions that were placed on advert late last year. The first interviews concluded and the second round is underway.

These changes at TSC speak to sustained effective leadership of the education sector while instituting a smooth transition following retirement by seasoned directors. Acting appointments speak to strategic ways in which the commission has handled transitions and filled important positions with proficient and experienced people.


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