TSC Reshuffles Secondary School Principals in Migori County

The Teachers Service Commission has made some changes in the management of secondary schools in Migori County, where some principals were transferred while others replaced to uplift service delivery and fill positions left vacant by retiring principals.

Those set to leave the service include Kanyawanga High School principal Jacob Mbogo, who is retiring after years of long service. He will be replaced by St. Patrick Mosocho’s Jacob Ajwang’ of Kitutu Central in Kisii County at West Kamagambo School in Rongo, Migori County.

Pauline Odinga, formerly at Nyamuga Mixed Secondary School in Rongo Sub-county, will report to Nyambare Mixed Secondary in Karachuonyo, Homa Bay County. The office responsible for deploying and recalling school heads has not revealed who will replace her at Nyamuga Mixed, just like the case of here predecessor at Odinga’s new station.

Paul Were has been transferred to head Matagaro Mixed in Rongo, replacing Abel Ong’ola who went home last month. Previously, he was the head of Wachara Secondary School in Homa Bay County.

Former principal of Kangeso Boys High School in Rongo Dr. Gedion Mwanda has also retired. His place has been taken by Francis Ombaka from Ombasa Secondary School in Awendo Sub-county.

At a handover ceremony that was recently held in Kanyawanga, outgoing principal Mbogo thanked parents, the teaching fraternity, and students for their support during his term. “We have grown together in building our school and now I hand over to my brother here. I urge you to give him similar cooperation as you did to me when I was steering the affairs of this school,” said Rongo Sub-county Director of Education Duncan Odhiambo while handing over.

According to Migori County Director of Education Jacob Onyiego, the changes were routine and called on the school boards to fully support the incoming principals.


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